Monday 29 October 2007

Clannad episode 2

Starting on where we left of last time… ok so the sparkles and the whacko speech isn’t something I can use to prove my speculations that Nagisa is a ghost or at least an alien or something. After Tomoya asks her what she was talking about she tells him that she was rehearsing a play… (He bought it but I won’t! It’s a Key animation production! She has to be weird!!!)

And here we have that scary girl again. She kinda reminds me of Ayu Ayu from Kanon. Didn’t every episode start with her mumbling??) And we can see that the thing moving in the snow on the opening is actually a robot that girl made…

Well starting the next day, Tomoya almost gets hit by a bike (that Kyou is driving) poor Youhei get bitten half way to death by Tomoyo… Tomoya gets threatened by Kyou about revealing her secret of having a bike, then implies she is bisexual then gets beaten some more for his stupid comment. Yeah the usual staff…

On his way to class Tomoya meats some guys that are talking about the ghost of a girl that got hit by a car but appears around school lately. Apparently the ghost looks like a normal girl, but it gives something to the people it meats that give them bad luck. (Maybe it’s Nagisa…crazy speculations again…)

Then he meets some more weird girls… Kotomi Ichinose, a girl that hangs around in the library. Tomoya caches her trying to cut the page of one of the books she was reading and when he stops her she offers him some of her bento… (Yeah I know there probably isn’t a single normal character in this series… but that’s a good thing…)

Then he meets Fuko Ibuki, an underclassman. Tomoya finds her trying to make a star using some kind of wood and a knife… she is really cute >_<

I noticed her from the op, I really like the way she wears her uniform, long sleeves and all…

Somewhere near the end of the day Youhei comments on Tomoya getting involved with club activates after he sees him hanging some fliers that Nagisa made to reopen the theater club. Apparently Tomoya doesn’t like club activates and had never joined one before. Of course Youhei pisses him off and conveniently Nagisa is there to see.

Later on Tomoya tells her that he was on the basketball team but he quitted so Nagisa proposes to him to join her for a game after school the next day.

Since the next day is Saturday and school runs for only a few hours Tomoya decides to skip his classes and his basketball date with Nagisa. But later on when he notices that it’s raining he decides to go and make sure that the poor girl isn’t waiting for him in the rain. Which she is… socked wet and cold. Tomoya offers her his jacket and scolds her for waiting for him in the rain. But Nagisa tells him that she didn’t want him to come and not find her here, and she then asks him to saw her one of his shoots.

Tomoya takes position but never throws the ball. He falls on his feet saying that he can’t shoot because he can’t lift his hand above his shoulder. Apparently his father and him had a fight and Tomoya got hit (or more likely his father hit him… it would explain why Tomoya hates him) and his hand never fully healed. Nagisa realizes that she had asked him something painful and as she tries to back away she lost consciousness and faints.

PS: Yay there are more dango on this episode. Aint they cute??? Nagisa likes them too....

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